Request for the Dallas Independent Schools Superintendent, Office of Personal Responsibility and all All Board Members Resignation.
Cheryl Jernigan 0

Request for the Dallas Independent Schools Superintendent, Office of Personal Responsibility and all All Board Members Resignation.

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I am writing this petition pleading with others to join me, as I join the Honorable Commissioner John Wiley Price, in his efforts to do for us what most of us are not willing to do for ourselves, which is fight for our basic human rights. I realize that we the people in the DISD community can no longer sit idly by and wait for someone to come and save our children or us. It is necessary that we the people help ourselves. We cannot waste another day of talking about it, yet, doing nothing about the plight of our Black Race. As taxpaying citizens, we have allowed the Board of Trustees' in DISD in our respective districts that we vote into office, to usurp the authority of the people in hiring this Superintendent. The current Board gave Carte Blanch to a man that did not meet the Certification criteria to hold the position of Superintendent for our schools, and he came amidst much controversy. Here we are, almost one year later and he still does not have his certification. This ought not be. It is time that we hold our Board of Trustees', the Office of Personal Responsibility and our Superintendent responsible for their actions. I request that we take immediate action and request the resignations of them all. It is an insult to our intelligence to state that a thorough investigation was performed on Chief of Staff Jerome Oberlton. When he clearly was not properly vetted, with a pending federal indictment looming over his head in Atlanta, GA and an open investigation of allegations of company credit card misconduct in excess of $250,000.00, which questions his ethics and integrity in Baltimore, MD. We adults need to come off the corners, out of the clubs and out of the drug houses and start participating in taking our community back, one block at a time. Like our Hispanic brothers and sisters. Many of our elected officials grew up in the DISD System, but send their children and grandchildren to expensive private schools. As a race of people, we have fought many forms of racism. In hiring practices, housing, crime and our beliefs. There is a big machine at work here and a system in operation to destroy the Public School System, as we know it today. In addition, there is a new form of genocide happening with the Black Race, which is taking place in our Public School System. We have allowed our Legislators to remove cursive writing from the third-grade curriculum and they have added mandatory studies of the gay and lesbian life styles, which will delay or totally annihilate procreation in the Black Community. We are allowing our children to be placed in Alternative Schools, the Juvenile In-Justice System or mentally misdiagnosed and treated with medication that causes all kinds of future medical problems. We are fined if our kids are absent or tardy too often and it does not matter if we cannot afford the fines, they must be paid. Before, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, we as a People relied heavily on the Black Church, today, many of the Black Churches have sold us out for a tax-exempt 501 (c) (3) status. We cannot mention God in schools and we certainly cannot mention Jesus the Christ. I am a disabled individual with many ailments, but today, I can still remember having parents, neighbors, teachers, and preachers that cared about every child in the community. I remember when we as Black People waved at and spoke to each other eye to eye as we passed each other on the street. When we as a Race of People, held each other accountable and responsible for our actions or the lack thereof. I remember when we had less representation in the Legislature (State and Federal), the City, the County, the State, and the White House; but those individuals would give their lives, so that future generations could have a chance at equality and opportunities not afforded our parents some 60 years ago. It is my 54-years of life experience that it is no mystery that we are the most overweight population of people and that have the Propensity to have the most life threatening diseases of most Races' such as Diabetes; Heart Disease; Breast, Colon and Pancreatic Cancers; Bi-polar Disease, Strokes and Death by Murder. Our Community is inundated with Beer and Wine Stores, Banks that don't make loans to the people they service, mainly offering check cashing, and savings accounts and Dialysis Centers for the people the School System (DISD Community) allowed Physical Education to be taken out of the Schools over some 40-years ago. We have over 160,000 plus children in the DISD System, which is mainly made up of Black and Hispanic Children. They are supposed to be our future; please, do not remain silent. We need people in Leadership positions that reflect our core values, principles, and beliefs. There are plenty of displaced, educated professionals that are just waiting on their opportunity to display their talents. They are lovers of their communities and the people that are in them. We need to give ourselves a fresh start and come back to a sense of Love of Country, Love of Others, and Love of Self. Perhaps, my life experiences have not been your experiences. However, if you can relate to, or identify with, any of the things that I have mentioned in this petition, please join me and sign it. When the Board come together in early July to grade the Superintendent and possibly give him an additional, $125,000.00 raise, let us say no and hand them all a layoff notice. Lets open up a dialogue as concerned citizens; get together and strategize using our acquired critical thinking and writing skills to help ourselves. Please sign this petition and share it with all of your family and friends that are affected by the mis-education of the DISD System, whether they went to Respectfully,


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