Request for Special Meeting to Vote on the Removal of HOA Board Members, Terrance Glover, and Teresa Brown, Paul Koester
Sonya Anyaka 0

Request for Special Meeting to Vote on the Removal of HOA Board Members, Terrance Glover, and Teresa Brown, Paul Koester

39 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Sonya Anyaka 0 Comments
39 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

UNDER ARTICLE 4 of the Bylaws   that Govern the Community of Lakeview at Brandywine Titled BOARD OF DIRECTORS; SELECTION; TERM OF OFFICE SECTION 4.3 REMOVAL: Except with respect to members of the Board of Directors appointed by the declarant at any regular or special meeting of the Association any one or more of the members of the Board of Directors may be removed from the Board with or without cause by the vote of (51%) of the total authorized votes of the members of the Association. See Article 3, section 3.5 for the definition of authorized voters.  Although a cause for removal is not needed a brief description is noted. The homeowners at Lakeview at Brandywine have determined that there has been ongoing series of violations of honesty, trust and a breach of the fiduciary responsibility by three of the HOA Board of Directors: Terrance Glover, Teresa Brown and Paul Koester, hereafter referred to as "The Three Board Members." The first HOA board was elected by the community during an open election on March 4, 2012 at Gwynn Park High School. The meeting was administered by the Associa(CMC) Community Portfolio Manager Cheryl Walker. Five Lakeview at Brandywine residents were voted in; "The three Board Members,"  Tami Langhorne and Sonya Anyaka. 

The following events have lead to this petition:

1)  The Three Board members - elected their positions (President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer) in a closed session without consulting with the homeowners or Tami Langhorne and Sonya Anyaka.(the office of Secretary was declined by Tami Langhorne and Sonya Anyaka because they wanted the community to vote for the officers positions.)  

2)  The Three Board Members - Accepted the 33,000.00 debt incurred under the previous Board of Directors and under Associa (CMC) management Company without having a independent audit. An independent audit was requested several times by Tami Langhorne and Sonya Anyaka but the board ignored the request.

3) The Three Board Members- Hired a transcriber to attend every meeting without the consent of the homeowners, Tami Langhorne and Sonya Anyaka (Board members). This action is causing an additional debt that Lakeview at Brandywine cannot afford. This job duty is the repsonsibility of the Board secretary to defray cost to the homeowners assessments.

4) The Three Board Members - continue to make decisions without the consent of the community and the other Board Members (Tami Langhorne, Sonya Anayka). By his own admission, Terrance Glover stated in an email dated April 8, 2012, "The site listed above is the official site that we’d like you to take full advantage. All communication expressed on this site is official communication and is approved by the Board President." Also in an email dated April 6, 2012, Terrance Glover stated that it was the "Board" intent to cancel the pool service.  This was done without the consent of Tami Langhorne or Sonya Anyaka since they were not privy to any of Lakeview contracts (with the exception of CMC) and was not given the opportunity to negotiate any contracts for a better cost effective approach to defray cost to the community.

5) The Three board Members  - decided to have a closed executive meeting instead of an open meeting in which the homeowners could meet the Board and voice their concerns. The Board was out of order by not informing other Board members of a closed meeting (Tami Langhorne, Sonya Anyaka) and without notifying the homeowners as stated in Article 3 section 3.3 of the bylaws. An e-mail motion was sent on March 25, 2012 at 10:15 am by Sonya Anyaka to have an open meeting to meet the homeowners. The Three Board members never responded. 

6) On April 4, 2012 at the community meeting, The Three board Members (after being informed of the meeting intent) told the homeowners they had to leave the party room where the meeting was being conducted and further made the following belligerent comment: "Who was going to pay for the party room rental for the community meeting?"  Mr. Glover didn't consider the community assessment pays for the use of the clubhouse.

These are just a few examples of Terrance Glover, Teresa Brown and Paul Koester (Three board Members) lack of concern for the community safety and its financial state, a breach in their fiduciary responsibility and blatant disrespect to other Board Members and the community they were elected to serve. As a community doubt has set in and it is evident that the Three Member Board are not operating in the community's best interest.  Changes must be made to ensure the scarce funds available to maintain the community are handled properly and that the community concerns are made priority one.

Next steps to be taken - Per Article 3, section 3.2,3.3 once the HOA Board of Directors have received this petition with a sufficient number of signatures, within a reasonable amount of time the Board of Directors must provide written notice honoring this request, to all homeowners stating the date, time, and place of the special meeting. We are requesting that this petition motion be put on the agenda for the meeting held on May 2, 2012. A quorum of at least twenty percent of the total homeowners entitled to vote must be present either in person or by absentee ballot. It will take a majority vote of those present at the meeting to remove the board member or members. We want to avoid any, the homeowners must come together and decisively take action, be on one accord, and stand on common ground. We need everyone’s support, time, and votes to ensure the board is successfully disbanded.  The goal is to hold a new election and appoint three new Board members at a term of the community choosing. The HOA Board, newly elected members must serve the community with passion, determination, transparency and accountability to make this neighborhood the best in Prince Georges County. 


As Benjamin Franklin aptly stated, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”


Homeowners at Lakeview at Brandywine, Brandywine, MD


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