Request for More Domination Clan Ops (Mw3 - Elite)
Johnathan Fasick 0

Request for More Domination Clan Ops (Mw3 - Elite)

18 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Johnathan Fasick 0 Comments
18 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

This is a formal request directed towards Beachhead Studios and ALL parties who participate in the scheduling of Elite clan operations. The COD community has gotten very involved in the new concept of "Clan Operations". Unfortunately, those who participate on a regular basis have yet to see a variety of game modes. We are faced with the same tired, old, repeated Team Deathmatch and Kill Confirmed time after time without opportunities to compete in game modes other gamers may have an advantage. This petition is focused on bringing more Domination based clan operations to our community. By signing this document you are endorsing the message "We the COD community are tired of the repeated clan operation game modes and want to see more Domination clan ops." Thank you for your time and consideration. Please pass the message on to other members of our community, the only way we can bring change is to stand together so our voice is heard!

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