Reprint of the "Illustrated History" floriography book

The updated edition of the Illustrated History book has been teased as "in the works" by Cassandra Clare for over 5 years (and it has been asked for by fans for longer than that). It was advertised as a completed and accurate edition. It is beyond frustrating and upsetting to finally get that book, that we have spent so long waiting for and a good amount of money on, only for it to still have errors and be missing characters.
Let's put it this way, if one purchased a DVD that was meant to be the complete season of a show, and upon putting it on it was discovered several episodes are missing and some of the other episodes are missing scenes, would that person be wrong to be upset? Would they not ask for a refund or replacement?
We understand that these books are not being published by a professional publishing company, typos and errors are bound to happen. However, when the entire purpose of this book is to correct the outdated one, it is not valid to still have incorrect information and characters missing. This completely nullifies the point of it and leaves one to wonder why it was a part of this project if it could not fulfill what was promised.
We deserve what we paid for. We deserve a reprint of this book with appropriate corrections. More than enough money was raised for this project. Once the remaining 2 books have been printed and shipped, An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters and Denizens of Downworld should go back to the printer.
Below is a list of all the errors (and some potential errors) noted from the book. This may be a lot to expect but if they cannot all be rectified for one reason or another, the first 2 sections (missing cards and missing updates) can and should be fixed. The rest are listed for consideration.
Missing Entries That Do Have Existing Cards:
- Ari Bridgestock (a main character of The Last Hours)
- Asmodeus (he had an entry in the original book)
- Barbara Lightwood
- Mr. Oscar Wilde (who is pictured in the endpapers)
- Pickles
Missing Updates:
- Ty Blackthorn's image was not updated with his aged up card for The Wicked Powers like the others. His page also incorrectly lists his birth year as 1993 (it should be 1997).
- Julian Blackthorn's page was not updated to include Rosewain under family like his siblings.
- Jesse Blackthorn's page does not list his favorite weapon as the Blackthorn Sword (this information was released in a character card as well as in the books).
- Kieran and the Seelie Queen have their species listed as "Fey" while all other Fair Folk were changed to "Faerie".
- Max Lightwood-Bane's page states he calls Magnus "Papa" which has been changed in the books to "Bapak".
- Meliorn's species does not match other "half" characters. It should be "Human/Faerie" not "half-human, half-fey".
- Charlotte's name on her text page and above her image do not match (former is Fairchild and latter as Branwell). She should also have a married name space for Branwell.
- Maurice Bridgestock's name is not used on his page, he is listed as Inquisitor Bridgestock which does not match the format of the other pages.
- Thais Pedroso has her name listed with an accent over the "i" that not only does not match her name over her image or in the books, but is not accurate to the source of that name.
- Most characters had their middle names removed, however Max & Rafe Lightwood-Bane did not.
- Clary Fairchild is still listed under her alias "Fray" rather than her chosen and Shadowhunter name, Fairchild.
- Simon is still listed under his mundane name rather than his Shadowhunter name, "Lovelace". At the very least it should be in family like Sophie.
- Mortmain's page does not list family such as Shade.
- Jonathan Shadowhunter is missing "Shadowhunter" as his family.
- "Blackthorn" is not listed in Malcolm Fade's family.
- "Gray" is missing from Tessa's family.
- Johnny Rook is listed as "Human" which does not match other mundanes who are listed as "Mundane human" (which is a bit redundant). They should all match.
- On Janus's image, his Talent rune is incomplete/inaccurate.
There is uniformity lacking in married characters wherein some have a line for maiden name if listed under their married name or vice versa, while many do not. Characters lacking such a line:
- Helen Blackthorn and Aline Penhallow (both took each other's name as a second last name/middle name)
- Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood (Lightwood-Bane)
- Henry Branwell (a.k.a. Henry Fairchild)
- Amatis Graymark (changed from her more common married name: Amatis Herondale which is not listed)
- Linette Herondale (née Owens)
- Celine Montclaire (Herondale)
- Tatiana Blackthorn (née Lightwood)
- Cordelia Carstairs (Herondale)
- Sona Carstairs (née Jahanshah)
- Jia Penhallow (née Ke)
- Jocelyn Fray lists her maiden name but not her married names: Garroway/Graymark, Morgenstern
Potential Mistakes:
- Ash is not listed as Ash Morgenstern.
- Throughout the book Praetor and Faerie are written with the "ae" as " æ" which is not accurate to the books.
- Mark and Helen's species does not include Faerie with Shadowhunter like Ash.
- Janus's weapon not specified as Thule version (Ash's is).
- Jessamine Lovelace was changed to Lovelace-Gray which is not her recognized name and does not match the format of other characters.
- Tavvy Blackthorn's birth year is listed as 2004, although, unless he is a late December baby, this does not match with him being 2 in City of Heavenly Fire.
- Arthur Blackthorn's birth year was drastically changed which may not match up with his back story.
- Tatiana Blackthorn's birth year may be incorrect as well.
- Tessa Gray's page does not make sense timeline wise with A Deeper Love.
- Brother Zachariah was changed from "created 1878" to "born 1878".
- Matthew's eyes aren't green in his card.
- Charlotte's card still has the Voyance rune on the wrong hand.