Representation for Residents
Heather Matthews 0

Representation for Residents

19 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Heather Matthews 0 Comments
19 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

In 2005 the CSIRO “Sustainable Futures Project” identified that absentee property owners were exercising considerable influence on the decisions made by the Augusta-Margaret River Shire Council. Councillors were representing city based ratepayers who had land holdings throughout the shire. Metro-centric decision making, favouring those who had financial investment in the shire, was adversely affecting the prevailing culture, to the detriment of those who reside here. This shire had historically been populated by a strong, self-reliant, and socially cohesive community, that lived a sustainable lifestyle based on reciprocity. 

One of the recommendations from the CSIRO project was that the Shire of Augusta-Margaret River should lobby the State Government for changes to the electoral system that would restrict voting in local elections. so that each person could vote only once in local elections, in the constituency of their primary residence. 
Those signing this petition request the Shire of Augusta Margaret River initiate a project to expedite this change, to ensure that our local community has "Representation for Residents" as a matter of urgency.


Heather Matthews


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