Brandon Roloff Texas 0

Reposition Powerline Poles 2181 (Swisher) and BlueJay

83 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Brandon Roloff Texas 0 Comments
83 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

As most of you know, when TXDOT started construction on the widening of 2181 they re-routed new powerlines from 35 to the substation on Swisher across from 2181. When they installed these powerlines they installed the poles in our main entrance flowerbeds. Unlike many of the powerlines the gap between these 2 poles are very narrow, and it is very unclear as to why these had to be installed in our beds and not adjacent to our beds. The result is that the poles look terrible, and because there are poles in our beds, it limits our ability to enhance our community entrances and it requires additional costs for our vendors to "work around" these unsightly poles. David Betts has reached out to our state representatives and as a result Oncor has sent one of their reps to survey the area. The feedback we received is that they are unsure as to why the poles were positioned in the way that they are, and that this can be resolved but someone will have to cover the cost. David and I believe that the cost to do the job the right way should be passed onto TXDOT or ONCOR. Ultimately it was their decision to position the poles where they placed them. The reality is that the communities with formal HOA's were met with and agreements were made in advance of the construction to plan how and when items such as utilities, new walls / fences etc would be executed. Because we are a volunteer group we did not receive the same consideration that others received and as a result, we have 2 new poles in our main entrances. The first step in getting this changed is to gather support from you our neighbors. We will likely need a majority in order to demonstrate our frustration, that means we will need at least 350+ signatures. If you think that the poles in the medians are unsightly and if you think that the city, txdot, or oncor should work together to resolve this situation please sign this petition so that we can present it to oncor, txdot, and our state representatives. If you disagree with the petition, that is okay also and you are also entitled to your opinion regarding our community. Now is the time to voice your opinion

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