Replace Mayor Kerry Ferguson SJC

A Failure to Lead, Vote of No Confidence
We, the undersigned, urge the City Council to vote No Confidence and remove Council member, Kerry Ferguson, from leadership as Mayor of San Juan Capistrano.
Wrong on the issues
Council member Kerry Ferguson lacks the leadership skills to motivate the Council to make important decisions concerning the future of San Juan Capistrano. She has not demonstrated the ability to bring issues forward and develop consensus among the Council to address the needs of our community. One example; is her written and oral statements concerning future San Juan Capistrano transportation needs and plans, which underscores her lack of understanding concerning complicated issues. Failure to act now will put San Juan Capistrano at severe disadvantage, while other surrounding municipalities are organized and engaged with Orange County Agencies.
Council Meetings in turmoil
Her failure to demonstrate control at Council meetings, inability to encourage decorum from both the public and Council members has created a rancorous environment exposing guests and students assigned to attend civic events to hostile, demeaning and argumentative discourse. She has through selective enforcement of the Council Decorum Statement, emboldened meeting attendees to taunt and bully one another.
Gives comfort to malcontents, who sue San Juan Capistrano
Her default leadership style of promoting comments with which she is sympathetic and arguing from the dais with speakers with whom she disagrees, has engendered a divisive atmosphere. Her actions alienate residents, while aiding and abetting a small cadre of malcontents who conspire to force their brand of governance on the citizens of San Juan Capistrano. Her encouragement and support for residents and commissioners acting outside their scope of authority has emboldened individuals to entangle the City in frivolous lawsuits and inappropriate and wasteful demands on City Staff.
Cannot or will not follow the Rules of Order
Her lack of experience or willful ignorance of the rules of order has wasted time and resources. Her failure to anticipate the time required for orderly conduct of Council business has unnecessarily prolonged meetings and wasted the time of City Staff, Council members and the public.
We cannot afford to wait any longer for the SJC City Council to act
San Juan Capistrano residents and businesses should not be made to sit idly by, while Mayor Kerry Ferguson allows petty disputes and unrealistic solutions to dominate our public discourse. Stop Mayor Kerry Ferguson from leading us down anymore ineffective rabbit holes.
Decisive, realistic, proactive leadership is called for to take necessary actions to move San Juan Capistrano forward now. Indecision, rancor and derision are wasting time, taxpayer money and setting us back. We call on the City Council to act decisively and relieve Kerry Ferguson from her position as Mayor and restore order to the governance of San Juan Capistrano.