Ariel Joya 0


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Please here my plea. I have been a fan of Star Wars for most of my life. There is a young man named Anthony Ingruber who has been auditioning in Hollywood to play a young Han solo since maybe 2002 or so. He has always wanted to be him and he has countless audition tapes for Han Solo scattered across the interent. Fate have it that he eventually was cast to play a young Harrison Ford in the film, the Age of Adeline. Now my concern lies here, Alden was cast incorrectly and the casting directors responsible were fired accordingly. Not to mention the original directors were replaced with Ron Howard. There are so many problems with the movie that Disney has confirmed they are currently preparing for The movie to fail heavily. This is NOT okay. Star Wars is an incredibly beloved franchise, to let the only chance we might ever get to see a Han Solo movie go to waste so easily is an absolute disgrace and a shame, and Disney you be doing everything in their power to fix the film, not ready their wallets for the blowback of it's current state. Not to mention Aldens performance. Not only does Anthony look exactly like Harrison Ford but he can act just like him too. Alden is a huge way off from delivering that Han Solo feel, The guy just can't act. And it pains me to think of the Dissapointment that Anthony must feel knowing he spent nearly 17 years trying to be Han Solo. I encourage everyone to take a look at Anthony's audition tapes and decide for yourselves. It might seem too late, but the Kid's got it where it counts. With a shred of Hope, we can make a dent in this film's current production and Help Anthony realize his life long goal and have the Han Solo film that we all know we can see brought to life. I thank you all for your support, and May The Force Be With You.

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