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JOIN THE CHURCH FOLK REVOLUTION TODAY “ STOP MAKING THESE FALSE TEACHER RICH” "TAKE A STAND TODAY, FOR THE LORD SAKE, and FOR THE BODY OF CHRIST' We are praying for at least 50,000 signatures. We believe that this would help defeat the effort of these PIMP PREACHERS who are robbing the people of GOD and show that there are many Christians alive, well and concerned about our country. As Christians, we must unite on this. Please don't take this lightly. We ignored one lady once and lost prayer in our schools and in offices across the nation. Please stand up for your religious freedom and let your voice be heard. Together we can make a difference in our community and in the country while creating an opportunity for the lost to know the Lord. WE DENOUNCE ALL FALSE TEACHING OF THE TITHING LIE AND THE PROSPERITY GOSPEL THAT BEING PREACH. Give your money to a charity organization of your choice or someone in need Go to For the TRUTH ABOUT TITHING. When going to this site you will see it on the right hand side.. This petition does not mean that we are against supporting the church! It merely proves that we are against supporting the use of the Old Covenant principles of tithing so that the pastor can ROB THE PEOPLE OF GOD, and preach lies behind the pulpit for their own personal gain. And take scriptures and twist them and  take them out of context to deceive many out of their money. By signing this petition, you are joining the CHURCH REVOLUTION , are asking you to : 1st Pray to GOD, and ask HIM to guide you in every decision. Do not take our word on what to do, but be led by the SPIRIT OF TRUTH. However when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. .. and he will show you things to come. John 16:13-14 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Therefore if the Son makes you free, you are truly free. John 8:32,36 But the Comforter, who is the Holy Spirit and whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things. John 14:26 The Comforter ..I will send him to you. And when he comes, he will prove the world wrong [reprove all men] of sin, and righteousness, and judgment. John 16:7-8 By SIGNING THIS PETITION, you are joining the mission of CHURCH REVOLUTION. And we are asking you to instead of giving your money to a FALSE TEACHER, instead BLESS someone who is in need. Here are some suggestion where you can be a Blessing to someone in need. Elderly needs, Single mothers might need help with baby needs, Brother or sister might need some gas to get to work this week, PAY SOMEONE ELECTRIC BILL, or WATER BILL or BOTH. Pay for someone’s medicine, or buy someone some groceries, help someone to get the heating oil or kerosene for their home, ect. The list can go on and on. Matt. 25:31-46). My Signing this petition give opportunities for true followers of Christ to show their love for family around in your community by meeting their very pressing needs, and is the humanitarian arm of Christ Family. Through personal contact with brothers and sisters in our community, you are able to minister the love of CHRIST to those who are facing severe hardships. “Woe to the shepherds… that do feed themselves! should not the shepherds feed the flocks?… The diseased you have not strengthened, neither have you healed the sick, neither have you bound up the broken, neither have you brought again those that were driven away, neither have you sought those that were lost; “ Ezekial 34 PASTORS Repent Now! REPENT NOW ye preachers, Pastor , Bishop, Elder, overseer of the body of Christ who bless the destructive ways of the most evil and hypocritical of your flock so long as they contribute to your pockets and your needs!!! REPENT NOW ye preachers, Pastor , Bishop, Elder, overseer , who is running the Church of Christ like a business, which you are the CEO. REPENT NOW ye preachers, Pastor , Bishop, Elder, overseer for not teaching the TRUTH about tithing to the people of God. REPENT NOW ye preachers, Pastor , Bishop, Elder, overseer for peddleling the Word of God for your own personal gain. REPENT NOW ye preachers, Pastor , Bishop, Elder, overseer for your sexual abuse within the body of Christ, and some of you who have homosexual ways. “Things are not going to continue "business as usual." "Unless you repent, you will all likewise perish" Luke 13:5 Spoken by Jesus. May God Bless you with unspeakable joy, not only in the world to come, but in this world also. May your path be bright and full of light everywhere you go. May God tell darkness that it must flee at your command. And, I pray your feet will never stumble out of God’s plan. May the desires of your heart come true, And may you experience Peace in everything you do. May Goodness, Kindness, and Mercy come your way. And, may you gain Wisdom and grow in the Lord everyday CHURCH FOLK REVOLUTION Petitions prepared by Phillip Lee:: Host of Free Indeed Truth Radio I encourage and invite any Pastor or Church Leader, Bishop, Overseer, to come on the show and rebuttle this PETITION. "THE REVOLUTION WILL BE TELEVISE" Listen to Blog Talk Radio to hear more about the " CHURCH FOLK REVOLUTION. With BrotherTJ With Brother Phil :::: With sister Nea Truth


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