Repeal the Graham Regional District Hospital Tax

We need to repeal the graham hospital tax. Here is the background from a letter that was published in the Graham Leader last month:
Dear Graham Leader,
The Graham Regional Medical Center Hospital District Tax of .365 cents per hundred of property valuation should be repealed by petition and a special election called to repeal this tax and then we should start over with all citizens involved not just special interests. This should be a community effort of all concerned.
Let’s see now how many people have been affected in a negative monetary way:
The young homeowners and renters. Increased rent letters are already going out.
The middle class and business owners who already have problems in dealing with Obama Care.
The seniors on Social Security on fixed incomes whose benefits have not kept pace with inflation.
This open ended tax law that can assess up to an additional 8% a year.
Why are the citizens targeted? This can and will hurt a lot of people and subsequently the community. Maybe the hospital ought to be run like a business. Get rid of unprofitable units and keep the profitable ones.
There were many of us who warned what would happen by both letters and at meetings. We were ignored.
In talking with many people in all walks of life in this community, no one – not one - is for this tax. This is not how people should be treated, especially in a community like ours. The specter of distrust has now been created.
A great disservice has been done by a few to the rest of us.
Carl Buschmann
1320 Rolling Hills Dr
Graham, TX 76450
There is still no one that I have talked to that is in favor of this tax.