Repeal Policy No. 810- Transportation; Deer Lakes School District.

In summary, Policy 810 dictates that no child of the Deer Lakes School District shall exit or enter a Deer Lakes School bus at any other stop than the initial stop assigned by that childs parent or legal guardian, and that any instance of doing so will result in the revoking of transportation. It does more than this, however: it dictates the lifestyle of many of the district's residents, and has a pronounced impact on finances, safety and the education of those residents and its students. Like many, many others, we rely on the bus service to deliver our kids to different bus stops during the course of the week so family, friends, and child care can be coordinated. Under this short-sighted policy, Parents are left with very few, if any options and more our children have an obstacle in the way of their education. We're forced to either shorten work days (and compensation) or trust in the maturity of our children to be at home alone so employment obligations can be met. In many cases our children are put directly in harm's way as they're forced to walk past the home of a convicted pedophile to get to childcare because they cannot exit the bus directly in front of the facility any longer. We voice our individual concerns and are met with sneers, contempt, and blatant unprofessionalism by the office responsible for the policy at School District meetings, who willfully turn a blind eye to the disruption caused by this policy. Please help us and our families, and add your name and voice to this petition to repeal Policy 810 at Deer Lakes School District. Thank you in advance.