We, the citizens of the United States of American, demand the repeal of all so called "Gun Free Zones". These laws do nothing to stop killers, but instead encourage them to target schools, were they know they will not encounter a citizen carrying a legal weapon to stop them.
Gun control has caused the death of 100's of innocent men, women and children in America by taking away the ability of Americans to defend themselves and the innocent (children}
The disarming of legal gun owners and the banning of certain types of guns has done nothing to stop the killings, but has just made it impossible for law abiding citizens to protect our familys.
Criminals and unstable people do not obey gun control laws; Especially if they are planning on killing themselves after they commit their horrendous acts of violence.
Do you believe that a suicide/murderer will stop and think, "I better not do this because it is illegal?" No they do not.
Israel had the same thing happening to their children in the 70s when terrorist where targeting school. They used their mind, instead of emotions, to really solve the problem. They trained and armed their teachers and the killings stopped.
We demand that these laws that protect criminals be removed . The effort to disarm law abiding citizens, who's rights are protected by the 2nd Amendment, be stopped, the banning of anymore types of firearms or magazines, (which does nothing but cost, jobs in the legal firearms industry, and life's by narrowing our choice of weapons we can use to protect our family and our country) be stopped, and teachers be trained and armed so they can work with us to protect our children.