Tell Rep. Erik Paulsen: Don’t voucherize Medicare or privatize Social Security
Sign the Petition below and tell Rep. Erik Paulsen we will not tolerate his Tea Party-line voting.
Representative Erik Paulsen voted to voucherize Medicare and to privatize Social Security yet he refuses to face the people of the 3rd District. The citizens of the 3rd District repeatedly asked him to explain his voting record but he continually avoids public forums where he would have to answer to his constituents about his plans to gut Medicare and risk Social Security on the stock market.
Mr. Paulsen signed on to the dangerous Paul Ryan budget, aligning himself with the Tea Party and putting hardworking Americans’ futures at risk. Paulsen wants to hide the fact that his policies are destroying the middle class, and would leave seniors and the disabled less secure.
Tell Mr. Paulsen we will not stand by and let that happen. Sign the petition and join us in asking PAULSEN TO DEFEND HIS RECORD OF VOTING TO END SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICARE as we know it.