Levana Lomma 0

Reopen Kaua'i NOW!

647 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Levana Lomma 0 Comments
647 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We, the undersigned are Kaua’i Business Owners and other concerned citizens that contribute to the economic well-being of the County of Kaua’i and State of Hawai’i through the revenues we produce, and we are asking for appropriate action to open Kaua’i immediately for tourism without restrictions.

In essence, this Petition is a formal demand to you, Mayor Kawakami, that you terminate your Emergency Proclamations and all Supplemental Proclamations relating to COVID-19 immediately.

Hawai’i Revised Statutes Section127A-14(d) provides you such lawful authority to terminate said Proclamation which states:

(d) A state of emergency and a local state of emergency shall terminate automatically sixty days after the issuance of a proclamation of a state of emergency or local state of emergency, respectively, or by a separate proclamation of the governor or mayor, whichever occurs first. [L 2014, c 111, pt of §2]

Fully opening Kaua’i as quickly as possible is our goal and we ask that you and your staff make it yours as well. There is too much devastation, economic and otherwise, that has happened over the past year and continues to occur as we speak, from permanent business closures to suicides, etc.! In opening, for example, we ask that you restore our unalienable Constitutional Rights and allow for free travel of Hawai’i residents and visitors to and from the island of Kaua’i without restriction, allowing for free-enterprise and free exercise of our God-given Rights under the Federal and State Constitutions.

To insure clear ongoing communication and to collectively develop a viable plan that serves all needs, particularly, that which will protect and enhance the well-being of all Kaua’i citizens, we ask that you agree to a Community Town Hall Meeting at our Convention Center Auditorium where there can be an exchange between We the People and yourself/staff relative to the Covid-19 issue and Opening Kaua’i. We ask that you allot 4 hours for this critically important Town Hall Meeting.

Should you fail to agree to the Town Hall Meeting where a date set certain is confirmed within the next two weeks, it will be a clear signal to We the People of Kaua’i that you are not interested in Opening Kaua’i and are not interested in the well-being of we Kauaians. At that point, We the People will take appropriate action to pursue our remedy at Law.

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