Reopen El Dorado County

As residents of El Dorado County we are extremely concerned for the future of our community. Due to the restrictions and closures related to Covid our small businesses are facing great hardship along with residents who are not able to engage in activities like sports, worship and in-person education that are essential to our physical and mental wellness. If the restrictions continue on we will face greater impact of more permanent business closures, job losses, deaths of despair, drug abuse, depression among youth, delayed medical care, domestic violence, child abuse and much more. We need to have local flexibility based on what's occurring in our community. Current restrictions impact small businesses and schools without any showing that those environments have anything to do with the cases observed in our county.
Local oversight for our rural community is imperative to the survival of local businesses and quality of life.
The Healthy Communities Resolution proposes:
1. That our community is best served by an ability to respond locally to the virus in accordance with local data.
2. That our county is geographically diverse and not suited for county-wide restrictions.
3. That school districts are urged to safely open and provide in-person education to the greatest extent without delay.
Therefore we the undersigned are concerned citizens who urge our Board of supervisors and Public health officer to act now and adopt the Healthy Communities Resolution, and submit the executed resolution to the Governor and the State legislative representatives.