Renovate U.S.H stage 28's Phantom of the opera set

I state that the historic piece of history the phantom stage or Universal Studios Hollywood's Stage 28 set, The paris opera house theatre,for the Pantom of the opera be rebuilt to its classic eligance. resons,my reson is to have a mass memory of the film that created the horror film, and that talented actor Lon Chaney, who braughtthe set to life there was once a memoreal to him but universal removed it from the stage, I find this a disrespect to historic film and the studio itself. and rebuilding this lovely set will bring back the memories of old. things that can be readded can fill in how they were disrespectfully tore out as this article explains. Changes and losses In 1965, when Alfred Hitchcock used the stage for "Torn Curtain," the chandelier was taken down for good and placed in storage at the studio's prop warehouse, where it has since disappeared. Shortly after the chandelier's removal, the audience seats, curtains and backstage materials were also dismantled, and a false floor now covers the vacant area where the audience seats used to be. In the mid-1940's, a plaque was placed on the stage commemorating the making of Chaney's classic film. Chaney's son Creighton, "Hunchback of Notre Dame" co-star Patsy Ruth Miller and several other co-workers attended the event, but unfortunately the plaque has long since disappeared. The plaque which is shown in the opening credits of "Man of a Thousand Faces" was merely a prop for the picture, although James Cagney and Dorothy Malone did place a commemorative marker on the stage prior to the first day of filming; but that, too, has disappeared. In the 1980's, a painting of a rather poor version of Chaney's now-famous Phantom make-up adorned the sides of the stage, and studio tour guides used to point out the famous stage to visitors, or occasionally take some lucky tour guests on the stage, depending on production schedules. The huge eucalyptus tree which had stood just outside one of the entrance doors to the stage since 1925 has recently been cut down to expand the tour facilities, and today The Phantom Stage sits next to the tour-related effects stages without so much as a whisper from tour guides about its famous lineage. please sighn this so we can bring back a famous piece of film history.