Amy Pyle 0

Reinstate James Miller at the Library

62 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Amy Pyle 0 Comments
62 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

On November 10th, the Manchester District Library Board of Trustees chose not to renew James Miller's contract as the Library Director. As Patrons, Taxpayers, Voters, and valuable members of this community, we strongly oppose this decision. James has been a huge asset and the driving force behind the recent success of our library and the LibraryYes campaign. He is the first Director in my 14 years of Manchester residency that I know by name. Not only do I have the pleasure of knowing James and his family, I know his goals for the library, his passion for rural librarianship, his unwavering offer to assist patrons and his overall dedication to our community. I am sure we have had other Directors, but don't ask me their names and I sure wouldn't recognize one if I saw them in the street. We need James and his lovely familie's spirit at our Library. To let him go would be a huge loss for our little Village. Please sign this online petition so we maytell the Board of Trustees and the Voted Officials who appointed said Trustees that we are unhappy and wish for them to reverse this decision. Stand up and support James Miller as he stood up for our library and for our residents.

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