renew chasing life for another season
malissa frank 0

renew chasing life for another season

12 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
malissa frank 0 Comments
12 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

chaseing life started out with a hard working girl who was a the prime of her life until she learned she had cancer we the fans have seen her journey her go through chemo treatments and and clinical trials and make friends fall in love get married and even lose the love of her life but this show is more than that it teaches us not to give up when going through cancer to always follow our dreams and heart where ever it may lead you it taught us fans to live life as if it was your last this show is not just a show to us fans it,s more than that it,s the reason we cancer paitents get up in the morning and keep fighting because april did she taught us to never give up and always be strong she makes u wanna live even know we feel like dieing april is the reason we watch this show and to end it like this when this show helping alot of us is just not right so im asking you as a fan to renew this wonderfully amazeing show cuz it,s that good this show is life for us we all live aprils story we all fight cancer and beat it and some of us are not so lucky but we fight wanna know why because april taught us to keep fighting she taught us that cancer doesn,t control us we do we decide if we want to live or die when going through cancer april is our hero on the show plz renew this show for another season we the fans love it

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