Heather Miller 0

Renew Allegiance Now! NBC or Netflix...

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Heather Miller 0 Comments
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Just trying to initially get this ball rolling. I just had my heart wrenched out when it was revealed NBC cancelled Allegiance already. After a weak Thursday night showing (PS, I dvr everything and then watch it past your stupid week long watch count networks!), they decided to kill this amazing show. Just 5 of 13 episodes filmed aired. Why NBC?

The actors, directing/producing, and screen writing was some of the finest since the first season of Crossing Lines on television. Possibly better, but there wasn't enough time to find out. Crossing Lines was also nixed by NBC, but Netflix picked it up. They finished season 2 with another cliffhanger and thankfully plans for season 3. Looks like Crossing Lines survived! They keep creating golden goose eggs then slaughtering the goose before it finishes the lay. Seriously, NBC... Give these phenomenal shows you are creating a chance.

So, renew and give this amazing crew a second chance or broker a deal with Netflix?! Something has to happen as some of us finally found an engaging show on stupid network tv. My hat is off to the entire crew. Casting is just perfect.

Come on Netflix? I already love you like a lesbian lover on Orange is the New Black. What can we do to make this happen? Cinemablend said likely no petition or Netflix. Half wrong so far. Let's get this great show on Netflix?

NBC, please don't be idiot killer of geese with gold eggs up their hooch any longer... I believe in you. Bring Allegiance back somehow, somewhere please.

Let's make this happen!

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