Rename Bachman Lawn to its original name of The John Henry Wise Field

WHEREAS, John Henry Wise became the first Native Hawaiian to play collegiate football in America; and,
WHEREAS, John Henry Wise had a great interest in the athletics affairs of the university;and,
WHEREAS, John Henry Wise co-authored the First Course on the Hawaiian Language; and
WHEREAS, from 1926-1936, John Wise served as a professor of Hawaiian language at the University of Hawaiʻi; and,
WHEREAS, in 1919, John Henry Wise was an influential Territorial Senator that co-sponsored Senate Bill 76, a measure to create the University of Hawaiʻi; and,
WHEREAS, Wise Field (that extended from University Avenue to the old Pineapple Research Institute (today, Krauss Hall) was named by the Regents on October 13, 1937, in honor of John Wise (1869-1937), who had passed away a few months earlier; and,
WHEREAS, the renaming of Bachman Lawn to The John Henry Wise Lawn will honor the legacy that John Henry Wise has had on the university during its initial years; and,
BE IT RESOLVED, that we, students and supporters of the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa propose that the name of Bachman Lawn be renamed to The John Henry Wise Lawn in correlations with the universities committment to be a "Hawaiian
place of learning"; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we, students and supporters of the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa urge the UH System President David Lassaner, the UH Board of Regents, Chancellor Robert Bley Vroman and the Vice Chancellor for Administration, Finance and Operations to begin the process of renaming Bachman Lawn to the John Henry Wise Field; and,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that copies of this petition shall be sent to: UH Board of Regents Chair Randolph G. Moore & Members; President David Lassaner; Chancellor Robert Bley Vroman; Vice Chancellor for Administration, Finance & Operations Kathy Cutshaw; Associated Student of the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa President Kelly Zakimi & Members, Graduate Student Organization President Jonathan Dial & Members; Mānoa Faculty Senate Chair Robert Cooney & Members