Removal Of Offensive John McCain Online Group

As you know we just finished voting, and taking part in a historical election. Whether you were voting Obama/Biden, McCain/Palin, or lived outside the box to vote for a third party candidate (Barr, Nader, etc..) we all made history in highest percent of voter turn out in years. The election might be over, but I wish to bring back a subject. As you know in every election there's mud slinging (Whether it be on TV, the internet, newspapers, etc..), and of course chain e-mails trying to get you the voter not to vote for a certain candidate by facts which might strongly fictional/non fictional. The election is over, and I can tell you I am so THRILLED I won't have to deal with mud slinging, and "He said, he said" e-mails. As a member of the young voters, and young adults it's something I have to hear a lot. Just sign yourself up for a MySpace, Facebook, Livejournal and other social networks. Then type in anything anti John McCain, Sarah Palin, Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, and you'll find a slew of people expressing their dislike for one of those candidates. I'm a supporter ot freedom of speech and expression. Most social groups on the sites I listed above which express dislike for certain candidates don't hurt me as at all, or if it's attacking a candidate I support I just shrug it off (It's just a group right ). Last night after the elections I did look at these groups for a laugh, and actually found one group which I thought IS offensive. The group I did feel was offensive, and truly in bad taste is a group in which it's group members find that what senator John McCain did in Vietnam was criminal/illegal, and should be sent back to Vietnam to prison to suffer. If you were for, or against John McCain political wise, people should realize what he did as a POW in Vietnam was far from criminal. He was tortured, beatin and when he was given the chance to go home he said no. He did many good and noble deeds for his fellow American POWs there, and stayed with them for five years. Coming home his body still showed experiences of what he had to suffer as a POW, and weighed 110lbs. Even if you don't support John McCain's political views, and his views as a member of the Senate now I hope you can agree with me when I say what he did in Hanoi Hilton was far from illegal and criminal. That's why I wish to ask your permission to have your signature added to a petition in which the group "SEND JOHN MCCAIN BACK TO HIS CAGE AT THE HANOI HILTON FOR HIS CRIMES" will be deleted.