Lisa McLoughlin 0

Remove IB From Public Education In America

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Please help remove IB from public schools across the country by signing this petition. IB, short for the International Baccalaureate, is a non governmental organization of UNESCO with headquarters located in Geneva, Switzerland. IBO not only teaches its own worldview, it simultaneously undermines the beliefs and values of the United States (also called the "American creed"). The IB organization has 3 programs for children age 3-19 which are primarily funded in the United States by taxpayer dollars. IB is proprietary, outrageously expensive, promotes "global citizenship" and "internationalmindedness" while attempting to undermine national sovereignty. Please help restore quality education by removing the IB programs from our public schools. IB has a political agenda for global "social justice" and radical environmentalism, in other words, "redistribution of wealth".

The biggest difference between the American Creed and that of IB-UNESCO, however, is this: Our Declaration of Independence states that government exists to protect the God-given, inalienable rights of all persons. The Tenth Amendment to our Constitution restates the same doctrine as follows: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people." That is, human rights belong to the people, and government has only those rights given it by the people. Our rights have higher standing than government.

The UN and IBO, in contrast, subscribe to the exact opposite view of human rights. The UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights [UDHR] says: "These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations."[UDHR, Paragraph 29, Article 3]

This means that under the UDHR, people have only those rights the UN says they have. But under the U.S. Bill of Rights, government has only those rights the people say it has. UN-IBO turn human rights on its head, and it takes the same view of human rights as, for example, the constitution of Cuba, which says that Cubans have freedom of speech”as long as their speech conforms to the wishes of the government of Cuba.

We, the undersigned, request Federal legislation to prohibit the expenditure of U.S. taxdollars (income and/or property taxes)on UNESCO and any of its affiliates, in particular, the International Baccalaureate Organization (IB) and IB's programs as they pertain to U.S. public schools.

We believe that IB programs are unduly expensive, foster anti-American sentiment and seek to indoctrinate American youth in order to devalue their American citizenship and undermine our sovereignty as a nation in favor of global citizenry. Public schools should be apolitical.


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