Revise and Update 8 in 1 Ferret Products

This petition is directed to 8 in 1 Pet Foods. We as ferret owners are extremely concerned with the quality of treats and foods your company produces. The treats contain high amounts of sugars which lead to insulinoma issues. Feeding 12-8 in 1 Yoggies/day can be deadly. The foods need to contain less carbohydrates and more protein. We would like 8 in 1 to address these issues immediately, and make changes. We would like 8 in 1 to sit down with members in the ferret community and ferret vets to determine what treats and foods should be revised or packaging directions changed. By taking a stand in our Ferret\'s health and producing \"good\" treats and foods, can only help 8 in 1 stay competitive in the Pet Industry. Ferrets have become one of the most popular pets in the United States today and alot of new information and research is being done on Ferret Health.