Remove SomeLuigi's admin position from 3DSPlaza

SomeLuigi is incredibly unpopular with a lot of the regular 3DSPlaza community. He creates a lot of unwanted arguments, doesn't add anything beneficial to the website, and bans unnecessarily and for reasons which do not deserve bans. A recent example of this was Golem259's ban and removal of mod position. He expressed a simple opinion that people were overusing a certain command, and his punishment was as stated. (A screenshot of his automated private message is here: http://i.imgur.com/vHqAx.jpg). People have since been banned for complaining about this, even though there is nothing in the rules about having a particular opinion and expressing it. Therefore, I believe that he should be removed from his admin position, for abusing his powers. He will not listen to anybody else's opinion, and people who express it will be banned. This is wrong, and should not be tolerated. If 100 people sign this form, It will be explicit proof that many people on the board do not like the position that SomeLuigi has, and that they express a great desire to have him removed from this position. Thank you.