Remove Mandatory MindUp/Mindfulness from my classroom

MindUp is a curriculum created by the Hawn Foundation and requires students to learn and practice mindfulness/meditation three times daily. Mindfulness is described as secular and is derived from Buddhist meditation. There have been very few unbiased studies done on “mindfulness” with children and no long-term studies completed with children. “Mindfulness” has been shown to affect some adults with PTSD, trauma based backgrounds, or other mental illnesses by causing anxiety, panic attacks, dissociation, flashbacks, and a few psychotic breaks. “Mindfulness” may potentially harm some students especially those with emotional issues. Furthermore, “mindfulness” is considered to be spiritual/religious by many individuals and numerous individuals practicing their own religion forbid them from participating in mindfulness.
This school year, my principal made Goldie Hawn's MindUp curriculum a mandatory part of our school day including the three sessions of mindfulness/meditation in my special education class.
I have PTSD and experience severe anxiety when participating in mindfulness/meditation. Because mindfulness is detrimental to my mental health, I have been involuntarily kicked out of my classroom and placed on forced sick leave for an unspecified amount of time. Now my students have no teacher and are being taught by substitutes. I worry about the safety and mental health of my students when they are required to participate in mindfulness without parental consent.
Mission Successful! Curriculum is being removed from the special Education classrooms.
Angela Draper
Special Education Teacher
For more information you can e-mail me at angelaforbes@mac.com
Please e-mail me at angelaforbes@mac.com
Link to Canada's youtube video petition to remove mindfulness from their classrooms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQm_X-C1j1o
Link to Psychology Today article: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/testing-prayer/201412/mindfulness-meditation-in-public-schools