Zak Al-Shawish 0

Remove Frank White Jr as Jackson County Executive

61 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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61 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Whereas, Frank White Jr has overstepped his authority by enacting restrictions under the guise of Covid-19 Safety.

Whereas, these restrictions have severely impacted financial health, mental health, and physical health of the citizens of Jackson County.

Whereas, Frank White Jr has exhibited conflicts of interests in regards to his mortgage settlement.

Whereas, Frank White Jr has harmed Jackson County Citizens with his brazen property tax increases.

I, Zakariya Al-Shawish, citizen of Lee's Summit, hereby petition for the immediate recall of current Jackson County Executive, Frank White.

According to the 2018 Jackson County Charter, "Petitions demanding the recall of any elected county officer shall be signed by registered voters equal in number to at least twenty percent of the total vote cast for County Executive, in the district or county, in the last election in which a County Executive was elected." This equates to only 21,000 signatures.

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