Remove "Eskimo sisters" from "Hot in Cleveland"

During a recently aired episode of "Hot in Cleveland" (Season 5, Episode 7)on the TV Land Channel, three female characters refer to themselves as "Eskimo sisters" upon realizing they have all slept with the same man. This joke may have been made out of ignorance, with no malicious intent, but as a Yup'ik Eskimo woman I am very offended.
Alaska Native women are a proud sector of the public, no longer willing to accept being on the receiving end of "jokes" that perpetuate ignorant and hurtful sterotypes. We are intelligent participants and contributors in the fields of medicine, science, engineering, business and public policy, who deserve the respect and dignity afforded our male and/or non-Native counterparts.
Please sign this petition to let the writers and actors of "Hot in Cleveland" and the executives of the TV Land Channel, as well as it's parent company, Viacom Media Networks, a division of Viacome International Inc., know this type of humor is unacceptable and to urge them to remove this derogatory reference from the show, in all forms of distribution (i.e. future airings, on-demand, DVD, etc.).