Remove Beau Correll as Virginia Delegate
Beau Correll recently filed a lawsuit asking a federal court to allow him to not support Donald Trump for President at the Republican National Convention to be held in Cleveland from July 18-22. Importantly, Mr. Correll recently held a TV interview saying that he will support a 3rd party candidate for President. That is a big problem for Mr. Correll because as an elected Delegate from Virginia to the national convention, the rules of the Republican Party of Virginia state that he must support the Republican candidate. The punishment for publicly stating non-support for the Republican candidate is removal from the party for four years. If he is immediately removed from the Republican party, then he must also be immediately removed as a Delegate from Virginia to the Republican National Convention.
This isn't personal toward Beau. It's about politics. And there is recent precedent for this behavior and punishment. In 2011, then-Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, and then-Lt. Governor Bill Bolling were both removed from the Republican party because of their public support for Bill Janis, who was running as an Independent against the Republican candidate for Commonwealth Attorney in Henrico County, VA.
This anti-Trump behavior is actually quite sickening. National figures such as Bill Kristol, George Will, and Henry Paulson (you remember him, don't you - the King of Meltdown as the Secretary of the Treasury in 2008) are babbling about with their mutinous behavior and sandbox mentality of "he's mean to people" and other such gibberish. They should all go and start their own Egghead Party.
In 2012, Mitt Romney wasn't my first choice, nor was John McCain in 2008, nor Bob Dole in 1996. But I did the same thing during each of those fall election seasons - worked my butt off for each one of them - so that we wouldn't be saddled with a leftist/socialist like we've had big time with Barack Obama. So, now these anti-Trump people want to make headlines, since Donald Trump has sewn up the nomination, with active discussions of supporting a 3rd party candidate. And what will be the net effect of that? Of course, it will be Queen Hillary for 4 or 8 years in the White House.
Let's do our part in Virginia to prevent that from happening by removing Beau Correll as a Delegate to Cleveland and put this mutiny to rest.