Removal of Harzadan Khattra as Dufferin-Caledon's Conservative Nominee

Harzadan Singh Khattra became the Dufferin-Caledon Conservative Nominee on March 19th 2019.
This petition is calling on the CPC (Conservative Party of Canada) to remove Mr. Khattra as the nominee for Dufferin-Caledon.
This is because Mr. Khattra is simply not capable of delivering the message of the Conservative Party of Canada in Dufferin-Caledon for the upcoming election.
1) Mr. Khattra lies about his medical background; conveniently leaving out the fact that his medical school's graduates lost the ability to apply for a medical license in the United States & Canada a few short months after his graduation.
2) As the video of Mr. Khattra's nomination speech would indicate, he is not capable of public speaking in a stressful situation. This is not a bash on him for having a fear, which is common, but he became paralyzed and could not speak in the slightest.
3) There were irregularities with the nomination process which indicate that not everyone who voted in the nomination is actually a resident of Dufferin-Caledon. Two candidates have already called on the CPC to do a deep analysis of the situation and their ask is not unwarranted. Anyone who was at the nomination can attest that something fishy was going on!
Add your name to the petition to show the Conservative party that it must listen to is supporters and take action immediately or risk loosing this riding in October!