Michelle Lopez 0

To Relocate the PADS center

121 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Michelle Lopez 0 Comments
121 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

When the city of Waukegan made the decision to convert the old Health Reach Clinic at 1800 Grand Ave, into, “PADS”, it would be expected that first consultation with residents, owners of businesses, and schools would be protocol. Instead, with no warning and no consultation, the city of Waukegan approved this center to be placed right in the middle of our densely populated community.

In our community, there are hundreds of families who rely on pre-schools and day cares in the area. It is inappropriate and dangerous that a facility housing a high risk population be placed adjacent to schools, playgrounds, and community amenities. There has already been a documented spike in crime since the opening of the center.

While we welcome the idea of helping people to get off the streets, we feel that this particular project was grossly mishandled. The PADS center just needs to be relocated to a different location, that is more suitable for the activity that the center receives.

Below you will find a recent post explaining the conditions that many residents in the area have to endure. We ask that you please take a moment and sign the petition requesting that the city of Waukegan relocates the PADS center away from a residential area, schools, day cares and local business.

Thank you in advance for your support but most of all for your voice!

*We ask that you please use your full name to be able to account for your signature.*

Recent Post:

I have lived in this neighborhood practically my whole life, I grew up here. I enjoyed the peacefulness, privacy and most of all the cleanliness. It was perfect.
Not now unfortunately, no matter which way I walk there is litter strewn everywhere. Plastic bags are stuck in trees, coat hangers in tree limbs, a recliner near the wooded area, shopping carts from the local stores. Piles of garbage under trees and old clothing and tarps seen regularly. The parking lot on the corner of Indiana Avenue & Lewis Place has become a park and live and a repository for everything I mentioned above.
As I leave my home and drive to work through the neighborhood I look off the road and see garbage and litter in piles in numerous areas. I don't know who is designated to pick this up. I see team members from PADs cleaning the surrounding of their facility, but what about the rest of the neighborhood? What is being done about that? My opinion is this: more homeless people are in this area and apparently many of them have no concern for the area they "use." Having spoken to a few, I'm struck by the "pride" exhibited in their ability to live "off the grid." The "grid" being provided by taxpayers I’m assuming that’s what they are referring to.
The Waukegan police, who have been very courteous and helpful, inform me their hands are tied when it comes to public areas and property.
I don't want people arrested. I sympathize and empathize. I don't claim to have answers but I do feel that this action plan to assist the less fortunate needs to be revised by the administrators of the PADS center and the City of Waukegan for an action plan to help the community and not damage it.
I remain charitable but I think more giving ends up in the result in more taking.
It’s gotten to the point that I do not allow my family and friends go alone on any of the paths in the neighborhood anymore. Never know who's going to walk out of the bushes.
Question of the day is who’s responsible for the upkeep of our neighborhood?
I have attempted to call to speak to administrators within the center and someway or form I always end up in a voicemail, just tired how everyone seems to turn the other cheek. While some wealthy individual sits in a nice, peaceful, clean neighborhood, ours neighborhood seems to be going down the drain at the cost of a nice tax write off for them.

**NOTHING WILL HAPPEN, IF WE DO NOT SPEAK UP** Please join me in speaking up.

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