Relocation - 9th World Zoroastrian Congress Dubai

My aim in writing my story is to reveal to the Zoroastrian Community the true character and nature of the city of Dubai. We as a community who are supposed to practice the tenets of "Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds," "Humata, Hukhta, Huvarshta," should rise as one to prevail upon our religious leaders to relocate the 9th World Zoroastrian Congress Dubai 2009 from this city. I appeal to all members of the Mumbai Parsi Panchayat, FEZANA (Federation of Zoroastrian Associations of North America, World Zoroastrian Organization (WZO) and indeed all other Zoroastrian organisations and councils world-wide to unite as one, as it is not too late. The 9th World Zoroastrian Congress should not be held in Dubai, as this alone would serve as a wake-up call to the Dubai Government, that there is a small yet significant community in the world, which is aware and opposed to the atrocities being perpetrated in Dubai. We should as a community, which is peace-loving and amiable assert ourselves, and stand up against what is happening in Dubai. The inhuman behaviour that is quietly overlooked by the world at large, all for the money being thrown around by the Dubai Government, is an affront to the human race and deserves complete censure and total condemnation from the world-wide community. This would also serve as a fitting mark of respect to my beloved wife, and finally help to put her soul at rest. May Ahura Maza guide all our future actions and grant wisdom unto all our community leaders to take the right path. I would with humble humility request all fellow Zoroastrians to sign a petition, to relocate the 9th World Zoroastrian Congress Dubai 2009 from this city, by following the link below. This would help to prove to the leaders of our community that we are honest and God-abiding Zoroastrians, who will stand and unite together to support a fellow Zoroastrian, who has finally had the courage to speak out against what is unacceptable in society and goes against all our Zoroastrian precepts and values. With regards and be safe, Anonymous