Relieve Mike Shula of his play calling duties with the Carolina Panthers.
We, the passionate,faithful and dedicated Carolina Panthers fans would like to request a change for our team. We are quite frankly tired of the ridiculous, predictable, conservative and stale playcalling from our offensive coordinator Mike Shula. For years we have suffered through his horrible choices of plays. Whether it be his continuous predictable run plays, which he would turn around and call the same play again the next play as if something would change or his lack of creativity in the passing game we are tired of his horrendous gameplans. As loyal Carolina Panther fans, many of us who have followed our team since its inception wish to see greatness on the field and have our team win the Lombardi trophy once in our lifetime and we believe Mike Shula will not help us achieve this. We have a young former MVP at Quarterback, who is in his prime, who is surrounded by playmakers on offense and for him to not reach his full potential is a waste especially when we have a TOP TIER Defense. So on behalf of Panther nation We will be submitting this petition to the appropriate individuals within the organization to ask for change.