Relief Well Initiative

Why not make it Mandatory for all offshore oil drills to have pre-drilled relief wells. This way a spill can be turned off immediately after it starts spilling? This is my Petition, and I ask that you help me bring this to congress. What is going on in the Gulf is much worse than any of us predicted. It only seems to get worse by the day with no end in sight. This tragedy happened out of neglect and greed. We shouldn't have to pay for this. This petition would make it mandatory for all off shore oil wells off of the United states to have A secondary pre-drilled relief well. To prevent this very accident from ever occurring again. Our parents protested in huge numbers at our age. While we sit in our rooms surfing the internet commenting on some ones blog about how we feel., let your voice be heard and stand up for what is right. Lets use the internet and facebook as it was intended and bring people together for a cause that is just and necessary. SIgn the petition and tell as many of your friends as possible to do the same.