Relief From COVID19 Thru CARES Act
Samuel-Tre S Perez 0

Relief From COVID19 Thru CARES Act

37 signers. Add your name now!
Samuel-Tre S Perez 0 Comments
37 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Dear Tribal Council

As you all know we have been hit very hard this year due to Covid-19 also known as Coronavirus. With that being said a lot has happened not only has the Health of others been effected tremendously around the world and within our communities. I know that not only has this been a Health Crisis but it has been a Financial Crisis as well. I know I can only speak for myself but I know others have been just as impacted and have felt effects from Covid-19. It is my understanding that a lot of people are still left without Employment or Not Receiving Unemployment or waiting to receive it. I know that many are left with Bills that are just stacking as we wait to go back to being Employed. Others running down there Savings or Loans just to make it by. We shouldn’t be Discriminative on who Receives it or who doesn’t. It’s to give the Aid & Relief to those affected by Covid-19. How do we show Aid & Relief if we just spend it on Projects or other Miscellaneous things we may be able to do with such money. Tell me how that’s showing Aid & Relief. So what I’m asking is that we Distribute this money in a way that it helps our Membership get back to where they need to be as a whole because a lot of us need this. But a lot of us don’t want to speak up.

So here I am Speaking Up and asking you to take a Stand with me and Let Our Voice Be Heard. Because we are The People. The Nuwu.

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