Release Gilad Shalit WHITE Campaign
signers. Add your name now!

signers. Almost there! Add your voice!

Release Gilad Shalit WHITE Campaign
Gilad Shalit has been in captivity for almost 4 years and efforts are
ongoing to secure his release. To support the safe release of Gilad Shalit - please SIGN this PETITION & WEAR WHITE on TUESDAY 27 April 2010.
In Israel over 300,000 people have already committed to wear white on April 27th for the support of Gilad Shalit http://www.facebook.com/pages/b-2742010-kl-hmdynh-lwbst-lbn-lmn-gld-slyt/108272579191537?ref=nf.
The petition will be sent to Gilad's family
to show the ongoing support of the Australian Jewish Community.
Thank you for our ongoing support
Hagshama Sydney & State Zionist Council NSW