Release The Wacky Adventures of TESTMACORONI
Back in August 2015, after Adventure in Epic's Chat the Movie was a HUGE success upon its audience, Twitch user TESTMACORONI announced a mini-series titled The Wacky Adventures of TESTMACORONI. The series would feature 3 episodes. The first one was made and uploaded to YouTube. Epiccreepertnt was able to see it right after being uploaded, and is the only known witness of Episode 1 before it was taken down. Test decided to cancel the series due to having other ideas, making the planned Episode 2 non-canon, Episode 1 lost media, and Episode 3 completely unknown. A year has passed since then, and Test has finally said he will release Episode 1 of this series to the public again (after almost doing so as a secret in his March 2016 game M Hippie 2) if it gets enough attention. That's what this petition is for. Let's make this lost one-two minute short seen by the world once more!