Release of The Bodyguard Director's Cut
Jasmine Carter 0

Release of The Bodyguard Director's Cut

254 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Jasmine Carter 0 Comments
254 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

UPDATE 1/19/14

I did not get the number of signatures I wanted to make this happen so please keep sharing so we can see this un-edited version. Thank you!!

As all of you Bodyguard fans know, the director's cut of The Bodyguard has been released only ONCE many years ago. A lot of us have never seen this version, or even the version that was shown in theatres when The Bodyguardpremiered back in 1992. Please sign the petition to get Warner Brothers to release the director's cut version! PLEASE SIGN PETITION ONLY ONCE! THANK YOU!

Como todos los fans de guardaespaldas ya saben, el corte del director de la guardia ha sido puesto en libertad sólo una vez hace muchos años. Muchos de nosotros nunca hemos visto esta versión, o incluso la versión que se muestra en los cines cuando el guardaespaldas se estrenó en 1992. Por favor firme la petición para que la Warner Brothers para liberar el corte del director para el 20 aniversario oficial de este mes de noviembre!


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