Release Bramblett Grove Amenities
Bryan Baldwin 0

Release Bramblett Grove Amenities

29 signers. Add your name now!
Bryan Baldwin 0 Comments
29 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Bramblett Grove HOA management company is not representing the community. Even though the community has formed a committee and guidelines all per the HOA management companies request they still have no time line on opening, information on distribution of key cards, or any indication of opening. We as the Bramblett Grove Community now herby DEMAND that the HOA management company and DR Horton now release the ammenties for use, or refund 75% of our yearly HOA dues. If this demand is not responded to within 1 week of receipt. The community will start posting signs, picketing, and otherwise disrupt sales within the community. If demands are still not met, then we as a community will begin to pursue legal options to obtain a refund of HOA dues or Control of the HOA.

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