REJECT LADNER VILLAGE Chisholm Street Tourist Hotel.

NOTE: PLEASE SIGN WITH YOUR FIRST & LAST NAME - to make the petition acceptable to City Hall. They won't accept just a first name.
RE: Ladner Village Tourist Hotel Accommodation
We the undersigned residents of Delta, to ensure principles of openness, transparency, accessibility, and accountability, respectfully request Mayor and Council REJECT any proposed Ladner Village Tourist Accommodation on Chisholm Street & request REVISIONS by Delta Council and City Staff for the following reasons:
- LOSS OF HERITAGE CHARACTER: A 6-storey hotel tower does not fit in a historic village.
- LACK OF TRANSPARENCY: Secrecy of the land purchase is unacceptable!
- BUSINESS EVICTIONS: sudden evictions of over 6 Ladner Chisholm St businesses is reckless, offensive and leaves a big hole in our business community.
- NO AFFORDABLE HOUSING: This hotel would NOT contribute to solving our Affordable Housing Crisis, (ie: our need for long-term affordable housing ) - instead the City should seek a reliable housing society or Co-op Housing venture for this PUBLIC land - rather than a short-term tourist profiteer. One option is Cooperative Housing Federation of BC. https://www.chf.bc.ca/
- CONTRADICTS DELTA'S HOUSING ACTION PLAN: Short-term tourist accommodation on PUBLIC land does not fit with Delta's Housing Action Plan or Official Community Plan.
- PARKING LOSS: One of Ladner's few free parking locations would be lost - resulting in parking mayhem for residents and businesses.
- SEASONAL FINANCIAL RISKS: Ladner Village is a seasonal rainy weather destination (approx Nov - May); thereby risking future empty rooms - potentially placing the City, the Public and a Hotel operator in a financial loss situation.
- LOSS OF PUBLIC LAND: A Private Business would be Profiting From Our Public Lands while "Catering to the upper scale (sub luxury) markets"
NOTE: PLEASE SIGN WITH YOUR FIRST & LAST NAME - to make the petition acceptable to City Hall. They won't accept just a first name.
You can also email your concerns to Delta Council: mayor-council@delta.com
"Petitions received by the City of Delta are deemed to be public records. Names and addresses are subject to public disclosure and may be published in a meeting agenda, posted on Delta's website.”
(This Petition is organized by Friends of Ladner Village: reynoldsdoug9@gmail.com )
NOTE: Any donations to this site are VOLUNTARY & OPTIONAL. Donations do NOT go to Friends of Ladner Village, but direct to iPetition.com for operating costs to offer this website FREE to community groups.
Reference: https://letstalk.delta.ca/Ladner-Village
https://www.delta.ca/media/3537 Hotel details