Request for the cap on University fees to be reinstated to £3,290
I believe that by taking the cap away many of the youths in England will suffer as Universities become more like businesses than establishments to help talented students. Also the new increased fees mean Universities will be less accessible for many people, leading to lower aspirations for the youths of the future. The act of taking the cap off of the University fees is almost a step backwards into a less equal society. Where the richer, however talented, students get degrees as they have the funds available to pay the increased cost. Whereas the poorer students are made to struggle to achieve and not encouraged to aim for the same targets due to them not being able to afford the consequences of going to University, even if they have the talent required to compete alongside the students with better backgrounds. It is well known that a graduate is in a better position to get a job after university and so making it harder for the poor to get a degree also has the ramification of keeping them to a lower level job and in turn doesnt encourage the social mobility Universities have offered in the past. Although the government are said to be raising the household income for Bursaries and Grants to be obtained, reports still show that students will be paying much more to go to University and on average it will take 5 years extra to pay off the debt under the new system (in total 30yrs). This is not a good enough incentive for the youth of today to accept that the cap will not be in place. Instead it will limit their future choices. With these points to consider I believe the cap should be put back in place as education should not be the area that suffers budget cuts at the cost of the people and their education.