Reinstate Romney Support

In my powerful belief that Mitt Romney would be the correct choice as the Republican candidate for president - I have created this petition in support of doing anything possible to help bring Mitt Romney back into the race. Are you willing to do what it takes Pledge your vote - and continue the support! Click the following link to view current signatures: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/reinstateromney/signatures.html BE SURE TO WRITE-IN MITT ON YOUR 2008 NOVEMBER BALLOT! LET\'S GET HIM INTO OFFICE. IF IT\'S WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT - THEN IT WILL AND CAN HAPPEN! Take a look at the support blog! http://reinstateromney.blogspot.com/ In the comments area tell us how you feel about Romney leaving the race - and what you are going to do to help get him into office. Be sure to tell your friend about the petition using the following link: http://www.ipetitions.com/tell-a-friend.htmlid=14ce566b Thanks for supporting Mitt!