Reinstate Rights of all Proven Competent Parents

My parental rights were terminated because DCFS/CPS stole my son and refused to give him back!I have NEVER abused a child,but due to a false allegation made by a "friend" they took him into custody.They then gave me a CASE PLAN and told me that,if it was complied with,he would be returned.That is not true,as I COMPLETED the CASE PLAN and then was told I would have to prove "BEST INTERESTS" in removing him from the "LEGAL GUARDIANS" home.Because he was "SAFE" and "COMFORTABLE" in the home,the fact that I am his REAL,BIOLOGICAL,MOTHER and we are BONDED was insignificant in the courts eyes. My CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS were violated. As a result of that happening,when my daughter was born I took her from the hospital without being discharged.I did that because it is common practice of DCFS/CPS to refuse to allow you to take your child home after you have had one removed.Consequently,they came to my house and took my 9lb.,2 day old,daughter using "medical neglect" as their allegation. After another 2 year battle with DCFS/CPS this time I won.THEY recommended reunification.Based on the fact that they,and the court,find me to be COMPETENT,I,and others,should have the right to REINSTATE MY PARENTAL RIGHTS that were taken through an "intentionally untrue" CIVIL ALLEGATION. For the sake of my son,ORPHANED,and all other families wrongly De-unified by the "SYSTEM",I beg you to "PLEASE" sign my petition.We deserve to have our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS REINSTATED! I will be sending this to any and everyone I can,including the Governor of CA(where MY RIGHTS WERE VIOLATED). I am a MOTHER,not a STATISTIC,and my son needs me...PLEASE HELP!