Reinstate Gwendolyn Gay as Southwood Art of Living Director
Fellow Homeowners, Last Friday, a unilateral decision was made to fire Gwendolyn Gay as Art of Living Director. It is said that the decision was "not performance related" but that she was the wrong personality for the job. Just 18 months ago, Gwen was hand picked by CCMC upper management from an applicant pool of 200. She has since done a VERY good job of filling the role after Mary Lee departed earlier this year. As Cub Scout Packmaster for Southwood, I have developed a great relationship with Gwen and the AoL. We relied on each other for support and our combined efforts helped us do things like the Christmas Tree Stand, Scout Newsletter deliveries and last year's scout Luminaria supply delivery. The Art of Living program at Southwood is a critical part of what makes our community unique. Quite frankly, I think we take it's role for granted...and, as such, wouldn't realize how much positive impact her role has had on our lives until it's gone (similar to businesses in TownCenter). If you agree that Gwen has done a good job as Art of Living Director, I ask for your support in having her reinstated to her position as Art of Living Director of Southwood. With fall activities fast approaching and the special place Southwood is because of it's unique community events, your support is greatly needed (and in a hurry). Please take 10 seconds to sign this petition. Thank you. Brian Ramos Cub Scout Packmaster and Active Southwood Resident