Melissa Carey 0

Reinstate Professor Denise Clement!

57 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Melissa Carey 0 Comments
57 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

April 18, 2014

President Hughes;

We the undersigned former students of Professor Denise Clement are disappointed with her recent dismissal and are submitting this petition to have her reinstated. We, her students, are familiar with her practice pattern, judgments and character and are appalled at the charges levied against her. We state the following:

Prof Clement never bullied or intimidated ANY student during clinicals. In fact, she was overtly kind, supportive, caring and went out of her way to assist us with our needs. Her support was unwavering and she never complained when we reached out at all hours and her days off.

Prof Clement never left us unsupervised. We were very fortunate to have the many clinical experiences she set up for us throughout the facilities. When we were off our units she rounded constantly to check on us and provide us with clinical guidance and support wherever we were each day.

Prof Clement never asked us to buy her snacks. She asked us to bring snacks for the unit. On the final week she bought a nice gift for the unit and we were happy to oblige.

Prof Clement was never late or absent from clinical. Period!

Prof Clement never watched tv with us, period!

Prof Clement never threatened us with any actions regarding her position or ours.

Prof Clement took us off the floor when there was nothing left to do and taught us numerous things from iv insertion, how to read ekgs, abg interpretation, chest tubes, dka management, ventilators, etc. ——- and these extra classes certainly aided us in success. Some of us would add that without her instruction we would not have passed many courses and we frequently asked her to teach us in the classroom setting.

Prof Clement never gave us hospital supplies to take home other than what we used in class or patient care

Prof Clement has been a very positive force in the success of the students listed here. When we had issues with other instructors and incidents she was always there with a kind word of support, expert guidance and a hug. She genuinely cared for us and we for her. We do not understand how CCN can be dismissive of Prof Clement and retain other instructors who have a proven track record of abuse and intimidation.

In summary, Prof Clement has been a tremendous asset to CCN. She has been a driving force in our success in the clinical arena. Therefore, we request that she be reinstated as Professor. Being pinned at graduation is an awesome component of the ceremony and many of us requested Prof Clement to pin us out of the respect and admiration that we have for her.


Chamberlain College of Nursing Students

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