Taylor Price 0

Reinstate Dana Rudnicki as swine barn superintendent

129 signers. Add your name now!
Taylor Price 0 Comments
129 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We, the undersigned are concerned and deeply saddened by the unwarranted removal of Dana Wasiak Rudnicki as the Wayne County Fair swine barn superintendent.

Dana Rudnicki has spent the past 8 years serving as the swine barn superintendent; a volunteer position in which she has so much passion for and 20 years in total as a volunteer for the fairgrounds. All throughout fair Dana shows continued passion for the kids and swine barn, even on days there are not swine designated events you can find Dana attentively making sure that everything is in check and that no 4-Hers need any assistance. These kids deserve the continuous dedication that she has always given to them and respectively their animals. Dana wholeheartedly exemplifies the characteristics of 4H and has made it a part of her life's work. For this position to be taken away in such an unprecedented manner is unacceptable.

(If you feel passionate about reinstating Dana please attend the fair board meeting on March 1st 2018 at 7:00pm at the Wayne County Fairgrounds to represent this cause)

**For some reason, this website will not allow me to name myself as the petition creator. However, if you have any questions you can contact me; Taylor price via email at: priceta4@msu.edu**

Also, Please sign your full name.Thanks!

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