Don Kain Michigan 0

Reinstate Cormorant Population Control, 77 Million pounds of fish are eaten by Cormorants annually from Michigan waters! Please Help!!!

2054 signers. Add your name now!
Don Kain Michigan 0 Comments
2054 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

  1. “New” H.R. 4429 has been revised H.R. 6302 (Rep. Jack Bergman of Michigan), To enact as law certain regulations relating to the taking of double-crested cormorants. Cormorant Control Act. This will allow states to regain control sooner, rather than waiting for the lengthy process of research, and recommendations from FWS. *This is new text, and slightly different than HR 4429, the Cormorant Control Act; but it is similar in nature. This legislation is based on feedback from multiple stakeholders and it allows for the old rules to be reinstated until FWS can draft new rules. This will provide Michigan DNR and other affected states with the authority needed to effectively manage cormorants.
  2. H.R. 4429 has been Revised by Congressmen Bergman from the first bill written “HR 4429”, it was introduced into the house for approval. If it gets enough support we could once again have Collaborative Cormorant population management. We need to show our congressmen and congresswomn that we care about our fisheries and we support bills like HR 4429. We need to do our part by signing this petition and calling our Congressperson and Senators and encourage them to support and push House Bill 4429 through. Our fisheries can’t sustain the amount of fish these Cormorants eat. PLEASE HELP! THANK YOU!!!

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