Reinstate Bunnie Boom Boom Cruse
We, the undersigned, declare our support of Bunnie Boom Boom Cruse. We sign this petition to declare our outrage with the ICC and extreme disappointment with Nicole the Great and Mother Jose for using character defamation, and a one-sided and ill-conceived "investigation" to make a decision that so greatly affects an entire community of which they have no knowledge. We call on the ICC, Nicole the Great and Mother Jose all to reverse their decision immediately! We insist that if there are true charges against Bunnie that these charges and accusations be made public, and that the Albuquerque Community and Court Members who have direct knowledge of Bunnie be included to participate in this investigation, which should happen in Albuquerque. Failure to take into account the consideration of so many courtiers nationwide who are affected would only signal the ICC's disinterest in Nicole the Great's own proclaimed mission of greater transparency and democracy for the ICS.