Reinstall Lake Arbor Room basketball courts now!
John Boyd 0

Reinstall Lake Arbor Room basketball courts now!

174 signers. Add your name now!
John Boyd 0 Comments
174 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Reinstall Arbor Room basketball courts now! 

Calling all area students! If you live in Lake Arbor, Woodview, Largo, Springdale, MD or the surrounding area then PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION TODAY! And pass it on to your Twitter and Facebook friends. Demand that the Lake Arbor Foundation officers immediately reverse its anti-youth, mean-spirited and undemocratic act and re-install the Arbor Room basketball courts now! The basketball courts at the Arbor Room in Lake Arbor, Mitchellville, MD were removed last week by the secretive Arbor Room people. This is a mean-spirited and uncaring anti-youth act! The Arbor Room was funded by Maryland Senate to provide recreation opportunities for youth. But youth needs and opportunities are the last thing on the minds of the Arbor Room people. The community owns the Arbor Room and the courts but the community is never consulted when decisions are made. We are petitioning the Lake Arbor Foundation and the Maryland State Government to change this unpopular decision by: 1. re-installing the basketball courts now 2. informing and receiving feedback from youth before decisions like this are made 3. informing and receiving feedback from the entire community before decisions like this are made 4. adding young people to the management team SHOW THAT YOUTH IS POWERFUL! SIGN THIS PETITION TODAY! PASS IT ON! THANK U. 4/23/2012

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