Register merle colored Schnauzers with AKC

We all love the Miniature Schnauzer breed which includes a variety of colors such as Parti, Liver and Merle, but specifically Merle coat pattern. There is nothing new about these colors they have been around for decades now. Most of us prefer our dogs to be AKC registered and are upset to find they won’t accept some of our beautiful colored merle patterns. This petition is to bring everyone together to voice our opinions regarding all colors but specifically Merle coats. We know based on the many owners of merle colored dogs there is nothing impure about them. Taking away the Merle Schnauzers papers would affect 100's of breeders and thousands of dogs papers already AKC registered. While we all know we can take all our dogs to another registry as a whole, we would rather stay with all our dogs being AKC registered. We also know that there are not any health issues showing up in our lines. By signing this you agree that you own or have owned a Merle coated dog. Even if you haven’t owned one but love the color pattern. All we are asking is for our pure bred Merle Schnauzers to be registered. Please sign this petition if you agree!