Many of you, I am sure, saw the petition we were gathering votes for to appeal a decision regarding two team Policy Teams.
John Mark Poter andGraham Stacyhelped point out a flawed calculation however.
Apparently, 44 teams attended the Midlands Qualifier, not 45 (verified by looking back at postings)... that number was enough to make the difference between the teams no longer a literal tie, but a definite margin.
As a result, I do not feel there is a need to "change rules" or anything. The point of the motion to appeal Swathwood/Walenceus going to Nationals was pointing out the tie between them and Caeillo/Hersey, but seeing as that was based on slightly false data, I can no longer support that movement.
Thank you to those who were willing to sign it, and I apologize for making steps in that direction without completely verifying the data in question.
Finally, I would like to note that all of the actions done were in no way meant to undermine or question the authority of NCFCA, but merely meant to promote and foster the mission of NCFCA, but that is also one of consistency. I am in support of who the NCFCA has invited to Nationals, and wish them all the best of luck!
Thanks guys